
Submit compliance notice

At Mailhammer-Högl, we provide integrity and ethical principles. Hence, we come up with forms of compliance tips for our employees and another external in business relations to either cater for anonymity or confidentiality. These tips might be relating to your suspicion regarding irregularities like fraud, corruption, or other significant breaches of our company’s policy. Our compliance tip submission platform is built in such a way that security and anonymity are guaranteed, thus fostering open and honest communications. We encourage to report on any potential breaches everyone, who noticed them, therefore helping to actively maintain our high ethical standards and build more trust to our corporate culture.

If you wish to communicate via email, please specify this.

If you leave an anonymous tip, on completion of the process, a unique token would be provided to you. You are advised to properly store this token. With this token, you can log in again later via the “Followup on a case” button and still be anonymous in contact with us, answer any queries about your tip, or give further information. Your anonymity is retained at all times.


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