Packaging development

Every package must serve its purpose

Packaging must protect the valuable product and at the same time be inexpensive. The product must survive the transport well through the packaging. Therefore, this must be optimally adapted to the object to be protected. We develop new packaging plans for you or innovate and improve your already existing packaging concept. Thus, no problems will arise due to damage and the resulting costs. Through our packaging development everything is technically, economically and ecologically coordinated.

Protection of the goods

By closely examining the goods on the part of our experts, we can determine any causes of damage, which can then be avoided. This is a positive aspect for returns due to damage, which can thus be reduced.


Packaging has extremely different functions. Furthermore, there is a multitude of different customer requirements. Thus, a concept for packaging development is inevitable. This is because it is only through individual adaptation that the product to be transported is adequately protected and all requirements are guaranteed.

Do you need custom made packaging? Contact us!

We know our way around

Various packaging laws and regulations make it difficult to get an overview. We at Mailhammer-Högl want to provide you with an overview through our many years of experience. In this way, we help you to achieve the best result.


The HPE packaging guidelines define a minimum standard for the load-bearing capacity and stressing of packaging for the transport of your goods. This requires compliance with a number of guidelines, which are constantly monitored.

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